Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Vocabulary Check

reiterate - dilated - wrought - impinge - relish - salient - dodgy - bluntly

  1. You may wish to _____ how to use web bookmarks, if necessary.
  2. During periods of stress or excitement, the heart rate increases and airways  to the lungs become _____.
  3. Unlike cast iron, pure _____ iron has no carbon.
  4. The basic function of a signal is to _____ upon the environment in such a way that it attracts attention.
  5. Irrespective of what you want, your children are going to take actions or be exposed to things that you may not _____.
  6. The web provides some ______ examples, like pornography.
  7. He is guaranteed to run into something ______ on the web and my wife and I can take ordinary precautions.
  8. To put ______,there is no riding developmental milestone.

Vocabulary Check

utensil - realign - exasperation - gauge - clutter up - indemnify - toll
Do you know these words?

SAT Vocabulary

catharsis - purging of pent- up emotion
deter - prevent
expedite - make faster
incarceration - putting in prison
overwrought - worked up in an emotional state

Vocabulary Check

utensil - frantic - infuse - inquisitive - prudent - ambiguity

  1. The _____ are returned to the platter or serving bowl in the same position.
  2. In 2010 with aviation authorities _____ about the ash billowing from Eyjafallajokull, Siggi raced his SUV into the dark heart of the cloud.
  3. The Icelanders _____ this empty land with meaning but they also denuded it.
  4. Thomas Edison was a very _____ child, conducting his first experiment at the age of three.
  5. Because J.P. Morgan was known as a reputable and _____ businessman, he was able to persuade other to remain in the market even after the crash began.
  6. Insurance is a monetary medium through which individuals and organizations transfer risk, or _____ about monetary loss, to others.

SAT Vocabulary

despondent - miserable
inadvertent - not intentional
luscious - juicy;moist;succulent
oust - push out of a position
sanguinary - bloody

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Vocabulary Check

utensil - paltry - snug - pulp - lesion 

  1. Never rest a _____ half on a plate and half on the table.
  2. These are certainly happy being; but others also are objects of envy, who dignify their _____ employments, and sometimes even their passions, with pompous titles, representing them to mankind as gigantic achievements performed for their welfare and glory.
  3. Here,too, I have discovered such a _____, comfortable place, which possesses peculiar charms for me.
  4. This specialist is concerned with the diagnosis and cause of disease affecting the _____ or nerve of the tooth, or the tissues on tooth.
  5. In most cases the oral pathologist does not see you, but your dentist would send them a biopsy or any questionable tissue or _____.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Check Your Vocabulary

utensil - exquisite - teem 

  1. Soiled ______ are laid on the plate or bowl it is provided with (not on the table).
  2. I am so happy, so absorbed in the _____ sense of more tranquil existence, that I neglect my talents.
  3. When while the lovely  valley _____ with vapour around me, and the meridian sun strikes the upper surface of the impenetrable foliage of my trees, and but a few stray gleams steal into the inner sanctuary.

SAT Vocabulary

abasement - degradation
billowing - waving
cower - recoil/ in fear
harangue - noisy
replete - full

SAT Vocabulary

certitude - certainly
digress - wander off a subject
falter - hesitate
indelible - cannot be wiped out
malinger - deliberately avoid work

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Check Your Vocabulary

lumber - rigorous - utensil -tine

  1. So you get these complaints that have survived in Ashurbanipal's library, the library where the best version of the epic was dug up - complaints from architects and builders about the quanity of _____ that they have.
  2. The collapse of the bridge highlighted the need for a more ______ analysis of the effects of constant traffic movements.
  3. For almost all meals, if you are wondering what  _____ to use, start from the outside and work your way in.
  4. Hold your fork in your left hand, _____ downward.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

SAT Vocabulary

despondent -miserable
inadvertent - not intentional
luscious - juicy
oust - push out of a prison
sanguinary - bloody

SAT Vocabulary

despondent - miserable
inadvertent - not intentional
luscious - juicy; moist
oust - push out of a position
sanguinary - bloody

Vocabulary Check

utensil - blot - pied - beagle - stingray - digress 
  1. When you pause to take a sip of your beverage or to speak with someone, rest your _____ by placing your knife and fork on your plate near the  center, slightly angled in an inverted V and with the tips of the knife and fork pointing to ward each other.
  2. Use the napkin to _____ your lips as needed and before taking a drink.
  3. New work on a migratory bird, the _____ flycatcher, takes things a stage further by showing how a climate- related population decline was actually caused.
  4. She has three dogs: two poodles and a _____.
  5. While visiting the beach, we saw: pelicans, _____ and iguanas.
  6. Explain to students that other important signposts to recognise are when a lecturer _____ from the main topic, and adds an idea which may not be relevant.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Vocabulary Check

lumber - vexation - equanimity - elucidate

  1. So you need to really subdue a population out there  to get their _____.
  2. I will no longer continue to ruminate on every petty _____ which fortune may dispense.
  3. No doubt you are right there would be far less suffering among mankind, if me did not employ their imaginations so assiduously in recalling the memory of past sorrow, instead of bearing their present lot with ______.
  4. The article helps to ______ for the ordinary reader some of the more difficult references in Shakespeare's plays.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Vocabulary Check

utensil - tine - blot - collate - interim - solace - pungent 

  1. Deciding which knife, fork or spoon to use is made easier by the outside table manners rule - using _____ on the outside first and working your way inward.
  2. The fork _____ may be either up or down.
  3. The basic function of the napkin is to wipe your fingers and _____ your mouth.
  4. Part of my role was to  _____ the results of our experiments.
  5. I am told that Smythe is about to publish some _____ results.
  6. She could not think that Harriet's ______ or her own sins required more; and she was therefore industriously getting rid of the subject as they returned.
  7. Some believers in both Theravada and Mahayana are vegans, and some do not eat onion, garlic, or leek either - referring to these as the "five ______ spices."

Make vs DO

a breakthrough
the best of the situation
a toast
sense of
an attempt
contact (with somebody)
the most of
a note (of)
a confession
an exception
an operation
the honours
your duty
your head in (informal)
economics at university
away with somebody (informal)
80 mph
press ups
the bare minimum

Vocabulary Check

lumber - alienation - ruminate - assiduously - elucidate

  1. You actually have to do some _____ and timbering.
  2. The study is ultimately concerned with urban _______.
  3. My dear friend I promise you  I will improve, I will no longer, as ever been my habit, continue to _____ on every petty relaxation which fortune may dispense.
  4. No doubt you are right there would be far less suffering among mankind, if men did not employ their imaginations so _____ in recalling equanimity.
  5. Animal models can be used to _______ basic principles of the development origins of adult diseases.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

SAT Vocabulary

bigot - narrow-minded person
enfranchise - give voting rights
hamper  - hinder
noxious - harmful
placid  - calm;peaceful

Tuesday, April 21, 2020


an announcement
a noise
a mess
an inquiry
a profit
an investment
a discovery
an application
a suggestion
a wish
a speech
a list
your best
the right thing
a workout
a course
your hair
a talk
a dance
the accounts
your make-up
your nails

Vocabulary Check

lumber - anguish - oscillation - rigorous - alienation- mundane - frizzy - feeble 

  1. So it was regularly the case, the chronicles of these Babylonian Assyrian kings would describe journeys to get _____ as among the great expeditions of their life.
  2. The fragments of the jug broke, and after an hour of useless toil, Dantes paused with _____ on his brow.
  3. A slight _____ showed Dantes that all went well.
  4. His tutor was critical of his work for not being _____ enough.
  5. The study is primarily concerned with urban _____.
  6. One of my favorite scenes inside troy is a very _____ scene.
  7. I had it done and it made it so _____ I can't even brush it.
  8. Was it my fault that whilst the peculiar charms of her sister afforded me an agreeable entertainment a passion for me was engendered in her ______ heart?


an appointment
the bed
a complaint
a decision
a promise
a difference
an effort
a mistake
an excuse
a phone call
a plan
a crossword
somebody a favour
the ironing
the shopping
an exam
the washing up
the cooking
your homework
the housework
the cleaning

Monday, April 20, 2020

Check Your Vocabulary

lumber - subdue - mundane - conspicuous - dirigible - despondency

  1. so it was regularly the case, the chronicles of these Babylonian Assyrian kings would describe journeys to get _____ as among the great expeditions of their life.
  2. So you need to really _____ a population out there to get their _____.
  3. It's also the case that when you get _____ details, it's not serving the kind of realism effect that we know from the novel.
  4. It's almost a _____ consumption of information of detail.
  5. Hydrogen was used as a power source for _____ before helium, which was safer.
  6. The prisoner reproached himself with not having thus employed the hours he had passed in vain hopes, prayer, and _____.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

SAT Words

malediction - a curse
annex - a building which is addition to an existing building
scuttle - sink
fallacious - false
pristine - unspoiled

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Vocabulary Check

containment - pivotal - curtailment - oblivion - rigorous - apprehension

  1. Our interpersonal upsets and inner pain are so frequently a form of rebelling against much _____ or protesting not enough contact or security.
  2. One of the _____ experiences for Goethe, and for his conception of world literature was his encounter with the Persian poet Hafez.
  3. anarchy is political philosophy which  advocates stateless societies based on voluntary associations and the ______ or abolition of traditional forms of government and institutions.
  4. What happens when people dig it up after 2,000 years of ______.
  5. The research used a _____ methodology which had been tested on many occasions.
  6. For many people listening in academic contexts in a foreign language can be difficult and there is a certain element of _____ when they have to listen.

SAT Vocabulary

ameliorate - make better
ossify - turn to bone
sanctimonious - hypocritically holy
lukewarm - unenthusiastic
turpitude - depravity

Friday, April 17, 2020

Vocabulary Check

containment - constraints - revered - coinage - circumnavigation - peruse - indispensable

  1. Lost in space ...and suddenly we are longing for _____.
  2. Others might be initially terrified by newly imposed _____.
  3. so a kind of interesting double effect, where some of the most _____ religious or epic texts often are the early adopters of new writing technologies.
  4. And that then leads straight to the story of world literature, in that it leads to the _____ of world literature by Goethe in 1827, who experiences a world market literature.
  5. And that market is driven by trade and _____ of the globe.
  6. While there are no specific recommended readings for this week, you may be interested to _____ Goethe's works.
  7. Within a couple of years of arriving in Weimar, Goethe had made him _____.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

SAT Vocabulary

ambivalence - lack of clarity
ambulatory - able to walk around
lucid - clear
truncate - cut short
desecrate - pollute a holy place

Vocabulary Check

Discernible - containment - constraint - sanity - cumulative - brag about - elaborate
  1. Crimea has no ______ chances to be internationally recognized as Russian.
  2. When we have too much _____, we scream for freedom.
  3. Some initially delight in new found freedom - the removal of _____.
  4. For our well-being, and the well-being of our families and communities, we are called upon to design sustainable structures that produce sanity, safety, and human thriving.
  5. If we think that learning is ______, and we think that between three and five is when we learn to learn, then if you miss that window, we won't be able to make it up afterwards.
  6. And this is a kind of clay civilization, and its greatest achievement is this epic, which presents itself as being written and which _____ this clay civilization.
  7. There are small poems that are exchanged in very _____ and sophisticated paper.

Do you know...?

Indices is the plural form of which noun?
indice or index?

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Vocabulary Check

discernible - delirious - prudence - magnitude of the undertaking - allege - presume - containment - adrift

  1. Fortunately, he fancied that Dantes was _____; and placing the food on the rickety table, he withdrew.
  2. At intervals he listened to learn if the noise had not begun again, and grew impatient at the _____ of the prisoner, who did not guess he had been disturbed by a captive as anxious for liberty as himself.
  3. It has been occasioned by ill- health and the _____.
  4. The scheme was not in _____ when the preparation of the work was first announced.
  5. Those close to him _____ that he committed an act of fraud.
  6. No structure is ______.
  7. It can only be _____ that she has left the country.
  8. Human suffering is often about freedom and _____.
  9. But when we have too much freedom, we can start to feel _____.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Vocabulary Check

Good afternoon,my dear English learners! Let's work on your vocabulary today.
discernible - sporadic - pamper - catwalk - impertinence - profess

  1. No structure is _____.
  2. There was _____ criticism of this viewpoint throughout the 19th century, but it was not until the 20th century that an alternative approach became widespread.
  3. Now back in the Cincinnati area, she _____ her grandchildren, experiments with cooking, and visits art museums as often as possible.
  4. He mentions the menswear _____ at Balenciaga and Gucci and male fashion role, models such as young actor Timothee Chalamet and older men such as David Beckham.
  5. If you do not choose to understand me, forgive my _____.
  6. The motive _____ was his conviction of its being worthlessness had not been so well known as to make it impossible for any young woman of character to love or confide in him. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Vocabulary Check

Good morning, my dear English learners! Here are some new words for you:
ambiguity - apparent - elocution - funnel - implicate - imply - inflatable - insidious - discernible 

Vocabulary Check

Good afternoon,my dear English learners!
Here there are some words to practice:
ambiguous - contented - discernible - funnel - implicate - insidious - ludicrous - ransacking

  1. No structure is _____.
  2. The role of the brain's left hemisphere is strongly _____, but its exact influence is unclear.
  3. The conflicting and _____ research findings, linked with ambitious claim about the cause of dyslexia, have led to a great deal of skepticism about the condition, especially when the possibility of an underlying medical cause is being stressed.
  4. The dangling modifier is one of the most _____ and confusion-causing problems in the English language.
  5. A _____ shaped cloud stirred up dust.
  6.  As the above examples show, dangling modifiers result in inaccurate and sometimes ______ statements.
  7. ______ the attic, the young widow at last discovered the antique wedding dress.
  8. We passed the evening _____, reading and listening to music.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Vocabulary Check

Good evening,my dear English learners! I hope you are fine and save. It's time to work on your vocabulary.Enjoy!!!)))
arduous - discernible - elocution - etch - lustre - peruse

  1. No structure is ______.
  2. Being a commercial traveller is  _____ but without travelling I couldn't earn my living.
  3. And also to an act entitled an act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times there is mentioned; and extending the benefits, thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, end _____ historical and other prints.
  4. Many of these selections are taken from the most elegant and classical American authors - writers whose noble productions have already shed and unfading _____, and stamped immortality upon the literature of our country.
  5. After a careful ______ of this work, we are decidedly of opinion, that it is the only successful attempt of the kind.
  6. No school should be without this book, and it ought to find a place in the library of every gentleman who values the attainment of a just and forcible _____.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Sunday, April 5, 2020


Good morning,my dear English learners! Let's work on our vocabulary today.Enjoy!!!
austere - aggrandize - corroborate - discernible - dishevel - render - swish

  1. No structure is _____.
  2. We have already been accused of inordinate ambition, and of seeking to _____ ourselves by an extension, on all sides, of our limits.
  3. He _____ everything, enjoyed everything and underwent the strangest agitation.
  4. He has the power to _____ us happy or unhappy; to make our service light or burdensome; a pleasure or a foil.
  5. The two girls, their skirts _____, immediately ran out through the hall, wrenching open the front door of the flat as they went.
  6. Gregor's mother, her hair still _____ from bed despite the chief clerk's being there, looked at his father.
  7. Meanwhile the day had become much lighter; part of the endless, grey-black building on the other site of the street - which was a hospital - could be seen quite clearly with the _____ and regular line of windows piercing its facade.


Good evening,my dear English learners!
Today it is time to work on your vocabulary. Enjoy!
astute - acquiesce - discernible - distemper - impetus - treacherous - whittle down

  1. No structure is _____.
  2. But the following week it returned again, and the _____ was spread into two or three other parishes and, to the great affliction of the city, one died within the walls, in the parish of St Mary Woolchurch.
  3. All frights from French Polynesia, Australia and the US have been suspended, and the number of flights from Auckland have been _____.
  4. To those _____ readers who noticed the typo - thank you and apologies for any confusion.
  5. Either they reconnect refreshed staff with their original companies, or are the _____ for a new direction for both parties; there might be a new corporate hire and a new job for the employee.
  6. The copperhead is considered much more _____ than the rattlesnake.
  7. If we were now to seize upon Florida after a great change in those circumstances, and after declaring our intention to _____ in the procrastination desired by Spain.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Listening: Bitcoin

Good evening,my dear English learners! I'd like to share a listening lesson about bitcoin. Enjoy!

Check your vocabulary

Good afternoon,my dear English learners! Hope you are doing well.Here are some words for you to learn during quarantine time.Enjoy!)))
discernible - distemper - ennoble - felicity - inculcate - sordid - squabble

  1. The people showed a great concern at this, and began to be alarmed all over the town, and the more, because in the last week in December 1664 another man died in the same house, and of the same ______.
  2. Underscoring the difficulty of enforcing the rules, Modou Njie, a health ministry director, said that many passengers on Wednesday were uncooperative from the outset and _____ about boarding the bus to the hotel.
  3. After a week spent in professions of love and schemes of _____, Mr. Collins was called from his amiable Charlotte by the arrival of Saturday.
  4. The fifteenth century saw Japan ______ it into a religion of aestheticism - tea-ism.
  5. Tea-ism is a cult founded on the adoration of the beautiful among the ______ facts of every day existence.
  6. It ______ purity and harmony, the mystery of mutual charity, the romanticism of the social order.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Check Your Vocabulary

Good morning,my dear English learners! Hope everyone is ok on quarantine.)))) Here are some new words for you:
discernible - gruff - discourtesy - fretsaw - intercede -dungeon
I'm going to include the sentences to practice these words in my next post. Enjoy your English journey!!!Take care!!!