Friday, February 14, 2025

My Daily Vocabulary

 Hello guys!!! Hope you enjoy your weekend and find time to complete this vocab activity! The words in bold are of high frequency. Mind the grammar!!











hinged lid

















1. She is ___ and curt, but I know she misses me.

2. You're kind of ___ today.

3. He dipped his hand into one of the bags and pulled out a half gallon of ___.

4. Caitlyn carefully opened the ___.

5. Today is his four hundredth and thirty-fourth day in space, a ____ arrived at over three different missions.

6. Nine full cycles, of course, of the moon, their silver companion moving placidly through its phases while the days go ___.

7. The ceiling was ____  with navy glittering fabric and twinkle lights, reminding her of the night sky, and each square coffer was designed in such a way that it looked like small peaks, making the ceiling seem higher, and the room larger, than it was.

8. No flowers, ___, or throw rugs.

9. Jenny was a ___ in home economics class.

10. Caitlyn _____ the words.

11. This was a ___.

12. After all, she loved party planning, and this should have been a ___.

13.  The salty kiss of the sea air and the ____ cry of the distant gulls were the first to welcome Luella Jameson as she stepped out onto the gravel road of Polk Island.

14. The scent of ____ and blooming hydrangeas filled her nostrils, stirring memories of a father she has yet to meet.

15. She forgot about the ___ in her chest that had been getting louder since passing thirty.

16. She all but ____ Krista toward the group, then scrolled her emails for her contact at the balloon company.

17. Bless her heart, Linda had insisted that the timing of her own daughter's engagement party wouldn't ____ a problem.

18. He looked happy and at peace, a ____ contrast to the only other photograph she'd seen of Leroy, the one her mother kept.

19. Here he was, living his life, forming connections and leaving a ____.

20. Sasha's beautiful face ___.

21. She shrugged, but inside she felt no such ____.

22. These parties the ____... they're not me.

23. Her eyes ____ upward to his face, and he was seized with the honesty in them.

24.  People turned ____.

25. Cole had the ____ to gently take those fingers and hold them to soothe her worry.

26. She ___.

27. Noah introduced Luella to his mother, June, and his father, Daniel, who set in a ____, looking happy to see them.

Key: 1. gruff; 2.feisty; 3. eggnog; 4. hinged lid; 5. tally; 6. awry; 7.festooned; 8. doily; 9. whiz; 10. savored; 11. travesty; 12. no-brainer; 13. plaintive; 14. brine; 15. niggle; 16. shoved; 17. pose; 18. stark; 19. legacy; 20. pinched; 21.nonchalance; 22. hoopla; 23. flutter; 24. finicky; 25. inkling; 26. guffawed; 27. recliner.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Typical Recent Mistakes

 1. Remember that when an "i" and "e" are next to each other in a word the "I" usually comes before the "e", unless it is after a "e".

Ex: achieve, receive

2. Semicolon usage

- To avoid confusion with numbers:

Add the following: $ 1.25; $ 7.50; and $ 12.89.

- Before explanatory words or abbreviations - namely: We are able to supply you with two different gauges of nylon stockings; namely, 45 and 51.

- To separate short Statements of contract:

War is destructive; peace is constructive.

3. Still

The word "still" is used as a transition word to show exception.

Ex: I tried again and still I failed.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

My Daily Vocabulary

 Hello guys!!! Hope you enjoy your holidays and find some time to do this short activity.))) The words in bold are of high frequency. Don't forget about the grammar!









one's heart in one's throat





swipe (at)

worried sick

1. He still had another three months of his ___ position left.

2. He had one more ___ on the island, so they had to continue to work together.

3. Since he'd left the island, she'd tried her best to ___ herself with his friendship, but a part of her knew she'd taken the coward's way out that day.

4. Meg started running too, ____.

5. Summer wanted to trace it with her fingers, then immediately commit it to canvas so she could ___ it for the rest of her life.

6. She wasn't expecting anyone, and since receiving a disturbing call from a prosecuting attorney last week, her nightmares and ____ nerves had returned with a vengeance.

7. Meg's heart ____.

8. Sam ____ next to Paula's chair.

9. Her red ___ and swollen eyes spoke of the tears she had shed.

10. Paula ____ in her chair.

11. I'm ____ about Derrick.

12. Her frustration grew as she ____ with the lock.

13. It was ___.

13. It was going to be the best surprise fortieth birthday ____ ever.

14. Paula ____ at her eyes.

Key: 1. locum; 2. stint; 3. console; 4. her heart in her throat; 5. ogle;6.littery; 7.soared; 8.lingered; 9. rimmed ; 10. slumped; 11. worried sick; 12. fumbled; 13. grueling; 14. bash; 15. swiped.


Friday, December 27, 2024

My Daily Vocabulary

 Hello guys!!! Enjoy this new vocabulary task!! Fill the gaps with suitable words. Mind the grammar!



confide (in)

DOA-dead on arrival


foul play







* words in bold are of high-frequency

1. As the Southern REscue helicopter took their ___ over the Foreaux Strait, the sea separating Stewart Island from the larger South Island of New Zealand, Cam turned to Meg.

2. To his right he saw a high, steep ___ covered with scrubby grass.

3. Although many of Lomb's principles have been corroborated by SLA research, the preceding points- the value of extensive reading at ___  learning stages - remain relatively unexplored.

4. Today's star is beef ____ for 512 yen.

5. Like Meg, Harold had been born on the island and following his diagnosis, was ____ he wanted to die there, surrounded by the place and people he loved.

6. Two passengers had been ____ at the hospital.

7. Any evidence of ___ in the van or at the scene?

8. My parents went out to dinner, ___ on ice, and rolled off the road.

9. Maybe he shouldn't have ____ in her about his past, his fiance, whose love was also ripped away while Cam had been distracted by grief.

10. But Cam's mind cleared as he ____ his pain down where it belonged.

11. As a full-time manager, part-time therapist, housekeeper, general ___ to her baby sister, Summer thought she'd seen it all from behind the scenes in the comfort of jeans, sweaters, and, most importantly, comfy sneakers.

12. It was as if neither of them had been able to ____ the will to fight for a future.

Key: 1. casualty; 2. knoll;3. nascent;4. offal; 5.adamant; 6. DOA; 7. foul play;8. skidded; 9.confided; 10.shoved; 11. dogsbody; 12. mustered

My Daily Vocabulary

 Fill the gaps with suitable words.



confide (in)








skid (mark)




* words in bold are of high-frequency

1. We'll look at doing some skin ____ at a later date, but hopefully Miss Chloe will be out of here soon.

2. The Battalion had a few older men, veterans of the Great War, but most of the soldiers were working-class boys without even the Officer Training Corps experience that Bernie and the ___ of other public -  school men possessed.

3. But the Russian was ____, his face set.

4. Put the garlic on top of the ___.

5. Meg ___ at the panicked tone of Jan's voice, abandoned her breakfast and stood.

6. To her relief, Cam quickly ____ his coat.

7. Panic froze Meg's veins as she navigated the short drive to the Stevenses' home, outlining Harold's ___ medical history for Cam.

8. He'd often ____ in Meg that he hated hospitals.

9. It was only a few hundred yards from the ___ to the interstate.

10. The black ____ suggested the driver had tried to make a sudden stop.

11. His prognosis was ___.

12. Cam ___ his fingers through his hair.

13. The disease has obviously advanced since he last saw the respiratory specialist, but there are things that could be done to ___ his current symptoms.

14. She ____ her shoulders.

Key:1. grafts;2. smattering; 3.adamant;4. offal; 5. wince; 6. donned; 7. pertinent; 8. confided; 9. on-ramp; 10. skid marks; 11. dire; 12. shoved; 13. alleviate; 14. squared.


Thursday, December 26, 2024

New Vocabulary Task

Fill the gaps with suitable words.













1. As they fitted the splint together and prepared their ____ for transportation to hospital, Cam watched Meg with fascination.

2. The Republic had held a strong opposition, on top of a hill that sloped down steeply to the Jarama river valley, dotted with little ___ and planted with olive trees.

3. Although many of Lomb's principles have been ____ by SLA research, the preceding points - the value of extensive reading at nascent learning stages - remain relatively unexplored.

4. Two ____, one in critical condition.

5. He felt the ____ of them in his brain.

6. He tried to open his eyes, but he couldn't manage, more than a narrow ____ that allowed the flashing lights to pierce his head.

7. The ___ of a tow truck jerked her attention back to the ongoing activity only yards away.

8. It's enough that we go into each and every day knowing that there is no one to pass the ___ to.

9. With a shriek and flailing of arms, the woman ____ into the water.

10.  The highest calling of a physician has always been to identify the disease process at its earliest moment of inception through skill, judgment, and wisdom, and to ____ the problem with surgery, medicine, or irradiation.

11. When she cut the damp trousers from his injured leg with scissors, the compound fracture of the ___ gave both Meg and him pause.

12. A breeding pair will reunite year after year to ___ their chicks.

Key: 1. casualty; 2. knoll; 3 .corroborate; 4. DOA; 5. slit; 6. squel; 7. buck; 8. topple; 9. abate; 10. femur; 11. rear

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Check your vocabulary

 Hello guys!!! Let's revise our vocabulary!!! complete the gaps with the given words.  Mind the grammar and enjoy!!!



blurt out






dispense (with)











on a whim





  1.  The ___ was scared of me.
  2. How can such a person not be ___?
  3. But we must ____ not only unnecessary actions but necessary thoughts, too, so needless acts don't tag along after them
  4. As much as Maria loved her ____ aunts, there was no denying that they were the bane of her existence.
  5. That time had chiseled his features and smoothed away the youthful ____ in his limbs so that he looked like an overly flattering portrait of himself.
  6. There was no graceful, polite way to extricate herself from the prospect of spending the remainder of the afternoon in the company of her former ___.
  7. She trailed after him, aware of the ___ nature of this place.
  8. The deep ___ quiet of it all.
  9. It was palatal - though not, she ____, for a person who had his own palace.
  10. Perhaps this was the equivalent of a ____ old hostel for a man like Cajetan.
  11. Cajetan gazed at the feast, then at her, and there was something almost ___ in his gaze.
  12. "Oh, don't", Maria ___, half a second before her brain caught up with her mouth.
  13. Not that I don't appreciate the effect, but could we ___ with the pleasantries?
  14. Only Cajetan who had to remind himself that he was a grown up man, not a ___ adolescent who had never been in the presence of a woman before.
  15. At least, that was what the prolonged silence indicated as the two of them continued making their way through ___ of palms and vines.
  16. The truth, which she hadn't bothered to share with her aunts, or anyone else in her family lest they try to ___ her, was that was no ordinary walk.
  17. Pushing one last palm ___ aside, Maria stepped through the tangle of gree and emerged into a spot on a cliff above a sheltered cove.
  18. The last time Maria had seen it, it had lain beneath the brilliant blue waters of the ___, its broken mast jutting out so close to the surface that Maria had been able to dive down and touch it.
  19. The landed far below, in a cramped, airless space that smelled of ____ and seaweed.
  20. I don't ever do things ____.
  21. In addition to all above-mentioned fruits and nuts, half of an ____ Russian olive stone was recorded from Rabat - 4.
  22. "A shipwreck?" Enrique repeated, his voice ____ with fury.
  23. I saw I had been ___ in thinking that we would've been anything, but a mistake.
  24. Half a dozen young ladies of good families and ___ manners, all of whom sported smooth air, delicate gold jewelry and impeccable frocks in shades of white and ivory.
Key: 1 glazier; 2 invincible; 3 corral; 4 meddlesome; 5 lankiness; 6 beau; 7 lavish; 8 affluent; 9 mused; 10 shoddy; 11 rueful; 12 blurted out; 13 dispense; 14 callow; 15 tangles; 16 dissuade; 17 frond; 18 cove; 19 brine; 20 on a whim; 21 oblong; 22 suffused; 23 deluded; 24 impeccable.