Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Check your vocabulary

 Hello guys!!! Let's revise our vocabulary!!! complete the gaps with the given words.  Mind the grammar and enjoy!!!



blurt out






dispense (with)











on a whim





  1.  The ___ was scared of me.
  2. How can such a person not be ___?
  3. But we must ____ not only unnecessary actions but necessary thoughts, too, so needless acts don't tag along after them
  4. As much as Maria loved her ____ aunts, there was no denying that they were the bane of her existence.
  5. That time had chiseled his features and smoothed away the youthful ____ in his limbs so that he looked like an overly flattering portrait of himself.
  6. There was no graceful, polite way to extricate herself from the prospect of spending the remainder of the afternoon in the company of her former ___.
  7. She trailed after him, aware of the ___ nature of this place.
  8. The deep ___ quiet of it all.
  9. It was palatal - though not, she ____, for a person who had his own palace.
  10. Perhaps this was the equivalent of a ____ old hostel for a man like Cajetan.
  11. Cajetan gazed at the feast, then at her, and there was something almost ___ in his gaze.
  12. "Oh, don't", Maria ___, half a second before her brain caught up with her mouth.
  13. Not that I don't appreciate the effect, but could we ___ with the pleasantries?
  14. Only Cajetan who had to remind himself that he was a grown up man, not a ___ adolescent who had never been in the presence of a woman before.
  15. At least, that was what the prolonged silence indicated as the two of them continued making their way through ___ of palms and vines.
  16. The truth, which she hadn't bothered to share with her aunts, or anyone else in her family lest they try to ___ her, was that was no ordinary walk.
  17. Pushing one last palm ___ aside, Maria stepped through the tangle of gree and emerged into a spot on a cliff above a sheltered cove.
  18. The last time Maria had seen it, it had lain beneath the brilliant blue waters of the ___, its broken mast jutting out so close to the surface that Maria had been able to dive down and touch it.
  19. The landed far below, in a cramped, airless space that smelled of ____ and seaweed.
  20. I don't ever do things ____.
  21. In addition to all above-mentioned fruits and nuts, half of an ____ Russian olive stone was recorded from Rabat - 4.
  22. "A shipwreck?" Enrique repeated, his voice ____ with fury.
  23. I saw I had been ___ in thinking that we would've been anything, but a mistake.
  24. Half a dozen young ladies of good families and ___ manners, all of whom sported smooth air, delicate gold jewelry and impeccable frocks in shades of white and ivory.
Key: 1 glazier; 2 invincible; 3 corral; 4 meddlesome; 5 lankiness; 6 beau; 7 lavish; 8 affluent; 9 mused; 10 shoddy; 11 rueful; 12 blurted out; 13 dispense; 14 callow; 15 tangles; 16 dissuade; 17 frond; 18 cove; 19 brine; 20 on a whim; 21 oblong; 22 suffused; 23 deluded; 24 impeccable.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

When to double the final consonant?

 If a word of more than one syllable ends with a short vowel and one consonant,

• DOUBLE THE FINAL CONSONANT before adding a suffix that begins with a

vowel if the accent is on the last syllable.

• DO NOT DOUBLE THE FINAL CONSONANT if the accent is not on the last syllable or if the suffix begins with a consonant.

Double the Final Consonant

-ing, -ed -ence, -ent -ance -al

befitting abhorrence acquittance acquittal

befogged concurrent admittance transmittal

committing excellence remittance noncommittal

compelled intermittent transmittance

controlling occurrence

impelling recurrent


omitting -er -en -able

permitted beginner forbidden controllable

propelling propeller forgotten forgettable

regretted transmitter regrettable


Do NOT Double the Final Consonant




-ing, -ed -ing, -ed -ing, -ed -ment

consenting concealing benefiting allotment

converted contained blossomed annulment

demanding detaining differed commitment

diverted disdained gathered deferment

requesting refraining limiting equipment

subsisted remounted profited interment

supplanting restraining quarreling preferment

supported retained soliciting

transcending revealing summoned

Sunday, July 7, 2024

My Daily Vocabulary









flinch away


forensics team






light beacon






1. About Mrs. Arbuthnot there was nothing bright and ____, though much in her way with the Sunday school children that was automatic; but when Mrs. Wilkins, turning from the window, caught sight of her in the club she was not being automatic at all, but was looking fixed at one portion of the first page of the Times, holding the paper quite still, her eyes not moving.

2. Between two great mountains of grey and green as the rock cropped out between the tufts of emerald verdure, the valley, almost as narrow as a ___, ran due west towards the sea.

3. She leaped over the coffee table, with its heat stack of Las Vegas magazines and a tray of complimentary Debauve& Gallais truffles, her name written in chocolate ganache ___ with edible gold.

4. Life had been so damn hard, and she'd clawed her way up only to ____ herself back down.

5. How you handle even minor ___ might seem like nothing, but, in fact, it reveals everything. 

6. He was no longer he, it was a body, an "it, in domestic ____ beside a barn in a field beside a house at the end of a lane, off a minor road.

7. one man was able to put up ___,  and he was released.

8. Philosophy calls for simple living but not for ___ - it's quite possible to be simple without being ____.

9. There was no self- flagellation, no paying ___, no self-esteem issues from guilt or self- loathing.

10. Laying into yourself, unduly depriving yourself, punishing yourself  - that's ____, not self-improvement.

11. While it's true that someone can impede our actions, they can't ___ our intentions and attitudes, which have the power of being conditional and adaptable.

12. I had long since been disabused of the notion that I was a ____ child.

13. Nothing will ___ them from what is honorable, and nothing will lure them into what is base.

14. I'm confident the ___ will show that he was already dead.

15. She reached out, but I ___ from her.

16. Oh, these ____ winds, and bitter northern skies, and impassable roads, and dilatory country surgeons!

17. They said they would have to get a ___ straight away and that  I needed to pack a bag and leave the house, but that I must leave out the clothes I had worn the day my father died.

18. The woman guard followed me, ___.

19. The man said they'd do their best and the woman made a ___ noise.

20. They set up these huge ___ pointing towards the house and the barn.

21. I heard some ____ outside the bedroom door.

22. She walked their dogs and ___ to their chickens and designed furniture for their job.


1. brisk; 2. gorge; 3.flecked; 4. fling; 5.adversity; 6. incinerator; 7. bail; 8. crude; 9. penance; 10. self-flagellation;11. impede; 12. foundling; 13. deter; 14. postmortem; 15. flinched away; 16. bleak; 17. forensics team; 18. tutting; 19. harrumph; 20. light beacons; 21. commotion; 22. tended

Sunday, June 30, 2024

My Daily Vocabulary

Complete the gaps with the correct words
chamber pot
pick at
take a toll (on)
  1. Combination used to make Mrs Wilkins wonder, for she had been told by Mellersh, on days when she had only been able to get plaice, that if one were efficient one wouldn't be depressed, and that if one does one's job well one becomes automatically bright and ___.
  2. Between two great mountains of grey and green as the rock cropped out between the tufts of emerald ____, the valley, almost as narrow as a gorge, ran due west towards the sea.
  3. We were rapidly descending the valley, and, as we got lower, the ____ seemed to take a bolder shape and was beginning to stand out as a round-topped hill of somewhat noble proportions.
  4. ____ of every sort had there been her portion; aches, hurts, discouragement, and she the whole time being steadily unselfish.
  5. She dodged the edge of the giltwood settee, ____ its pillow over her shoulder.
  6. Even after she has laid the received in its cradle, Dede goes on elaborating the root system of her anacahuita tree, shading the branches, and then for the fun of it, opening and closing the ____ of the envelope to watch the tree come apart and then back together again.
  7. He was the nexus of my world, a ____ of the world.
  8. This is more fit for a king - to seize your ____ head on.
  9. I knew that corpses decomposed and began to rot and smell, so I carefully placed the bag into the ___ barrel.
  10. School had been ____.
  11. Weekly shopping trips were always an ____.
  12. Dad said there was not ____ in it.
  13. I would buy what we needed for the week and get home again, nerves ____ as I turned into the lane.
  14. Suppose that two men were booked on the same charge at the same time and that the same ___ was set for both of them.
  15. We swapped duties as age ____ on him.
  16. And then he stopped coming out of his room and he wrote his prescriptions with a shakier hand, and he only _____ food.
  17. I fed it to him sometimes when his hands shook too much and I changed his bed linen on the days when he could not control himself and didn't make it into the ____ under his bed, which I emptied every morning and rinsed out with bleach.
  18. Philosophy calls for simple living but not for _____ - it's quite possible to be simple without being crude.
  19. There was no ____, no paying penance, no self-esteem issues from guilt or self-loathing.
  20. While it's true that someone can ____ our actions, they can't impede our intentions and our attitudes, which have the power of being conditional and adaptable.
  21. I had long since been ____ of the notion that I was a foundling child. 
1. brisk; 2.verdure; 3.promontory; 4. twinge; 5. fling; 6. flap; 7. nexus;8. adversity; 9. incinerator; 10. horrendous; 11. ordeal; 12. malice; 13.abate; 14. bail; 15. take a toll; 16. pick at; 17. chamber pot; 18. penance; 19. self-flagellation; 20. impede; 21. disabused

Thursday, June 27, 2024

My Daily Vocabulary

 Hello guys!!!

Enjoy this simple vocabulary activity!!! Just fill in the gaps with the correct words.)))

























1. She, therefore, though prepared to _____ her last penny into the adventure, was not prepared to ___ into it a single farthing that was not demonstrably her own; and she felt that if her share of the rent was reduced to fifteen pounds only, she would have a safe margin for the other expenses.

2.  It's not a ___.

3. She had not one ____.

4. She dodged the edge of the giltwood ___, flinging its throw pillow over her shoulder.

5. On the back of an envelope left beside the museum phone, she has sketched an enormous tree, laden with flowers, the branches squirreling over the ____.

6. Not only is he saying that the more you struggle with fortune, the more vulnerable you are to it, but he also says that the better path to security is in the ____ wall  "of philosophy".

7. She too had on a white ____, and her head was bare.

8. Abundantly as she was used to it, it surprised her to be told it with such ____, and by a woman.

9. Nothing bored her so much as people who insisted on being original, who came and ____ her and kept her waiting while they were being original.

10. So by focusing exclusively on the present, we're able to avoid or remove those ____ or negative thoughts from our frame of view.

11. Today, I won't ____ myself.

12. We must consciously opt to do things differently - to ____ and change until we actually get the result we're after.

13. He was ferocity ____ in elegance, perfection veined with flaws.

14. He was the ___ of my world, a nexus of the world.

15. Residents trickled onto the sidewalks, taking their dogs out or heading toward Central Park for an early-morning run, stealing what time they could before the workday kicked with a ____.

16. There was ____ there, and relief.

17. If gasoline vapor mixes with air, _____ will occur.

18. You will not have time to ____ or think too long, so go as fast as you can.

19. One way to ___ the problem, however could be to include components made with renewable resources.

20. I sat on the end, took the lid off his ____ and drank his tea, missing the sugar I put in mine.

21. ____ reveals.

22. The ground was frosted so I had to ____ the bag up on my shoulder every few minutes so that it wouldn't rip.

23. Once a month, when he was well, Dad would empty the bins into the ____.

24. He refused to pay the bin charges and we lived in such a ____ spot that the council didn't chase us about it.


1. fling; 2. slander; 3. twinge; 4.settee;5. flap; 6.impregnable; 7. frock; 8. bluntness; 9. buttonholes; 10. intimidating; 11. gorge; 12. tweak; 13. sheathed; 14. nexus; 15. vengeance; 16. remorse; 17. combustion; 18.dawdle; 19. mitigate; 20. beaker; 21. adversity; 22. heave; 23. incinerator; 24. secluded 

Friday, June 21, 2024

Sentence Structure Practice - Verbs

 1. Almost everyone fails ___ the driver's test on the first try.

a. passing

b. to have passed

c. to pass

d. in passing

2. If endangered species ___ saved, rainforests must be protected.

a. are to be

b. be

c. can be

d. will be

3. The average spoken sentence in conversational English takes 2.5 seconds ___.

a. for to complete

b. completing

c. to complete

d. by completing

4. Only twenty years ago, most doctors agreed ___ truthful with their terminally ill patients, a trend that has reversed itself in modern medical practice.

a. don't to be

b. not to be

c.we shouldn't been

d. not to been

5. William Torrey Harris was one of the first educators interested ____ a logical progression of topics in the school curriculum.

a. in establishing

b. for establishing.

c. establishing

d. to establish



Monday, June 17, 2024

My Daily Vocabulary

 Hello guys,

Here are your new words to enjoy!!! Fill in the gaps. Mind the grammar!!!


















Tip over




  1. Mrs. Wilkins was prepared to ____ her entire egg into the adventure, but she realized that if it were to cost even six pence over her ninety pounds her position would be terrible.
  2. It is true that there were three sitting rooms besides the garden and the ____  at San Salvadore, so that there would be opportunities of withdrawal from MRS Wilkins; but it would be disagreeable to Mrs Fisher, for instance, if Mrs. Wilkins were suddenly to assert that she saw Mr. Fisher.
  3. don't forget, though, that you can come from a long, unbroken line of ancestors who survived unimaginable ___, difficulty, and struggle.
  4. You're an heir to an impressive tradition - and as their ___ offspring, you're capable oof what they are capable of.
  5. You ___ me.
  6. Which attitude will ___ you onward and upward?
  7. Otherwise, they go on and on, asking the most ___ questions.
  8. There is a ___ racket of gratitude on the other end, and Dede has to smile at some of the imported nonsense of this woman's Spanish.
  9. Instead of looking for instruction, they cultivate skills like creativity, independence, self-confidence, ___, and the ability to problem solve.
  10. In this way, they are ___ instead of rigid.
  11. One must serve on watch, another in ____ another on the front line...
  12. Domenico ____ ran up the last few steps ahead and pushed the door open.
  13. Except for the beds, it suggested a happy ___.
  14. According to everybody she had ever come across she ought at least to have ____.
  15. Under the circumstances, I could only say "yes", as it would have been a ____ thing to refuse.
  16. She moved about with quick, purposeful steps, her long thin body held up straight, her small face, so much ____ at home with effort and fear, soothed out.
  17. She ____ the edge of the giltwood settee, flinging its throw pillow over her shoulder.
  18. She leaped over the coffee table, with its neat stack of Las Vegas magazines and tray with ___ Debauve & Gallais truffles, her name written in chocolate ganache flecked with edible gold.
  19. Her foot caught the bouquet of Juliet roses and the vase ____, scattering pink blossoms all over the carpet.
  20. "We don't name them," Dede says, driven to ____ to contain her impatience.
  21. On the back of an envelope left beside the museum phone, she has sketched an enormous tree ____ with flowers, the branches squirreling over the flap.

1. fling; 2. battlement; 3. adversity; 4. viable; 5.slander; 6.propel; 7. impertinent; 8.ventable; 9. ingenuity; 10. resilient; 11.reconnaissance; 12. lithe; 13.austerity; 14.twinge; 15. churlish; 16.puckered; 17. dodge; 18.complimentary; 19.tip over; 20. doddle; 21. laden