Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Vocabulary Task


1.     At first, he was quite _____, as he walked along the beach looking for a place to sleep, but then he looked up at the sky shining in the sky above him, and he saw the moon coming up from behind the clouds, and it was shining on the ocean waves, making them look like silver, and it wasn’t quite so dark then.
2.     I do wish I had some place where I could go in out of ______.
3.     They saw the _____ from the steamers; they saw the unending crowd of doll-like person’s thrown up out of the ground by the new Tube Station at the south end of Hammersmith Bridge.
4.     Here’s the chance to see the classic moment when Colin Firth, playing the ______ Mr Darcy takes a plunge in the lake.
5.     Time has not granted him to embody in a permanent shape a ______ of his personal experiences and strange adventures in the three quarters of the globe.
6.     He obtained a commission in a squadron of ______ then attached to the division of General Diego Leon, and was actively engaged in several of the most important combats of the campaign.
7.     Preparing himself by previous excursions on foot, in North Africa and Algeria, he sailed from Liverpool early in December last for Ichaboe where we have already ______ establishments.
8.     The _____ traveler had received from the agents of these establishments such favourable accounts of the nations towards the interior, as also of the nature of the climate, that he has the most sanguine hopes.
9.     Then, pour strawberry, _____, and pineapple syrup over the scoops of icecream.
10.I also wish to express my gratitude to The Wide World Magazine for the ______ of permitting me to publish the narrative from its pages.
11.The trapeze artists, tight rope-walkers and ______ riders astonished them.
12.Despite his _____ intellectual abilities, he spent most of his time hanging out, staying up late, and missing classes by sleeping until noon.
13.Consider also data from an ongoing study of eighty-one _____ and salutatorians from the 1981 class in Illinois high schools.
14.It tells you nothing about how they react to the ______ of life.
15.Four-year-old Judy might seem a wallflower among her more _____ playmates.
16.I took _____ at the word “supposed”.