Monday, June 17, 2024

My Daily Vocabulary

 Hello guys,

Here are your new words to enjoy!!! Fill in the gaps. Mind the grammar!!!


















Tip over




  1. Mrs. Wilkins was prepared to ____ her entire egg into the adventure, but she realized that if it were to cost even six pence over her ninety pounds her position would be terrible.
  2. It is true that there were three sitting rooms besides the garden and the ____  at San Salvadore, so that there would be opportunities of withdrawal from MRS Wilkins; but it would be disagreeable to Mrs Fisher, for instance, if Mrs. Wilkins were suddenly to assert that she saw Mr. Fisher.
  3. don't forget, though, that you can come from a long, unbroken line of ancestors who survived unimaginable ___, difficulty, and struggle.
  4. You're an heir to an impressive tradition - and as their ___ offspring, you're capable oof what they are capable of.
  5. You ___ me.
  6. Which attitude will ___ you onward and upward?
  7. Otherwise, they go on and on, asking the most ___ questions.
  8. There is a ___ racket of gratitude on the other end, and Dede has to smile at some of the imported nonsense of this woman's Spanish.
  9. Instead of looking for instruction, they cultivate skills like creativity, independence, self-confidence, ___, and the ability to problem solve.
  10. In this way, they are ___ instead of rigid.
  11. One must serve on watch, another in ____ another on the front line...
  12. Domenico ____ ran up the last few steps ahead and pushed the door open.
  13. Except for the beds, it suggested a happy ___.
  14. According to everybody she had ever come across she ought at least to have ____.
  15. Under the circumstances, I could only say "yes", as it would have been a ____ thing to refuse.
  16. She moved about with quick, purposeful steps, her long thin body held up straight, her small face, so much ____ at home with effort and fear, soothed out.
  17. She ____ the edge of the giltwood settee, flinging its throw pillow over her shoulder.
  18. She leaped over the coffee table, with its neat stack of Las Vegas magazines and tray with ___ Debauve & Gallais truffles, her name written in chocolate ganache flecked with edible gold.
  19. Her foot caught the bouquet of Juliet roses and the vase ____, scattering pink blossoms all over the carpet.
  20. "We don't name them," Dede says, driven to ____ to contain her impatience.
  21. On the back of an envelope left beside the museum phone, she has sketched an enormous tree ____ with flowers, the branches squirreling over the flap.

1. fling; 2. battlement; 3. adversity; 4. viable; 5.slander; 6.propel; 7. impertinent; 8.ventable; 9. ingenuity; 10. resilient; 11.reconnaissance; 12. lithe; 13.austerity; 14.twinge; 15. churlish; 16.puckered; 17. dodge; 18.complimentary; 19.tip over; 20. doddle; 21. laden

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