Fill the gaps with suitable words.
1. As they fitted the splint together and prepared their ____ for transportation to hospital, Cam watched Meg with fascination.
2. The Republic had held a strong opposition, on top of a hill that sloped down steeply to the Jarama river valley, dotted with little ___ and planted with olive trees.
3. Although many of Lomb's principles have been ____ by SLA research, the preceding points - the value of extensive reading at nascent learning stages - remain relatively unexplored.
4. Two ____, one in critical condition.
5. He felt the ____ of them in his brain.
6. He tried to open his eyes, but he couldn't manage, more than a narrow ____ that allowed the flashing lights to pierce his head.
7. The ___ of a tow truck jerked her attention back to the ongoing activity only yards away.
8. It's enough that we go into each and every day knowing that there is no one to pass the ___ to.
9. With a shriek and flailing of arms, the woman ____ into the water.
10. The highest calling of a physician has always been to identify the disease process at its earliest moment of inception through skill, judgment, and wisdom, and to ____ the problem with surgery, medicine, or irradiation.
11. When she cut the damp trousers from his injured leg with scissors, the compound fracture of the ___ gave both Meg and him pause.
12. A breeding pair will reunite year after year to ___ their chicks.
Key: 1. casualty; 2. knoll; 3 .corroborate; 4. DOA; 5. slit; 6. squel; 7. buck; 8. topple; 9. abate; 10. femur; 11. rear
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