Monday, October 22, 2018

Order of Adverbs

If we have several adverbs together, the usual word order is HOW - WHERE - WHEN.
Ex: Sales rose by over 12% in Uzbekistan last year.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Modal verbs

Modal verbs construction

                                    normal verb                    modal verb 
affirmative                    he works                        he can work 
negation                      he does not work           he cannot work 
emphatic                     he does work hard         he can work hard 
question                      does he work here?        can he work at all? 
negation + question    does he not work here? can he not work at all? 


could- can - will be able to
I could ski when I was 5.
I can ski now.
I will be able to speak Chinese in 3 months.
I can teach Math modules well.
I' m not able to teach Math modules well with 22 computers for 45 students.

Can I come in? - less polite
Could I come in? - more polite

1._______ Tony run long distances when he was a boy?
2.______ you please call a tow truck for me? My car broke down. (polite)
3.The students _______ to buy their textbooks today. The bookstore is all out of them.
4______ you teach me how to fix my computer? You’re so good at it.
5.______ you ______ reach the customer if you call him at 4:00 his time?

Permission/Polite request
May I come in?
You may wear shorts to the university
It might/may rain. (approximately 50 %)
Polite Suggestion
You may use those interactive exercises in your classroom.

Should - Shall- Ought to
Advice- Should
You should go to a doctor.

Check your SAT vocabulary!

Do you know these words?
hamper -
nuance -
cower -
absolution -
repudiate -
rife -
torpor -
legend -
affable -
eulogy -
rigor -
totter -

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

A Myth: Why do birds fly and fish swim - Learning from learners

Read the text and find the mistakes. Paste the mistakes to the comments.
 When God created the world it is composed of three elements: land, sky and ocean. But he thought that without any live creatures world is quiet boring. So he created some animals and put them to the land. He gave freedom so they can do whatever they want. Two of these creatures were Frank and Brad. As the other animals they liked to run and play at green fields. One day they found a rock near the ocean coast. The rock was very high. Brad was very brave and risky and he offered to jump from this rock to the water. He wanted to feel how  it is  to run not on the land but in the air. Frank didn't like this idea but he didn't want to stay alone at the top of this rock and jump this his friend. They ran up and jump from this rock. While falling down they feel how wind flow carry them and don't allow them to fall very fast. The sound of wind was very loud and wave broke down the bottom rock. Frank and Brad didn't hurt because dove into the water. They dove very deeply and under the water the atmosphere was very different unlike of the sky. It was quiet and they moved very slowly because of the water around them. Under the water there was a lot of blue color like in the sky. But it was darker and more mysterious. Both friends liked this experience. Brad liked the falling itself. He wanted his falling down to be  longer so he waved his hands very fast trying not to fall very quickly. And Frank wanted to fall down very fast to go under water more deeply. So they started to jump from this rock everyday. After some time their bodies have changed. Brad's paws transformed to winds and Frank's paws became fins. These were the first bird and the first fish.