Friday, March 9, 2018

Interview with Kasperskiy Video Lesson

Comprehension questions
  1. What changes have taken place in IT security industry recently?(watch the video till 2:16)
  2. What is the first factor(Watch the video till 1:05)
  3. What is the second factor? (Watch the video from 1:05 1:26)
  4. What is the third factor? (Watch the video 1:26- 2:16 )
  5. What is "cyber sabotage" according to Kaspersky?(2:00)
  6. How can Kaspersky Lab respond to the attacks which grew in number? Why international cooperation is important? (Watch 2:30-4:05)
  7. Why do you think some regions are more safe(for example, North Europe) and some are more affected(for example, China,India and Russia)?(Hint: Kaspersky does not know the answer-he only mentions the factors)(4:25 - 5:20)
  8. How to keep "good people" in your team? (5:30 -7:15)

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