Thursday, December 28, 2017

Vocabulary Task



1.     Therefore, anyone handling geographical names needs to have some basic linguistic knowledge, both in general terms and specifically _____ to the language situation of the area to the language situation of the area of survey.
2.     People from different professional backgrounds may be ______ to some kind of study of geographical names.
3.     Even if exhaustive linguistic knowledge is not required to be able to pracise this specific kind of applied toponyms, a basic understanding of the linguistic and historic context of the geographical names within the area of study is certain ______.
4.     Especially during the last century, the Nenets homeland has received an _____ of Russian settlers, who soon outnumbered the Nenets in their own provinces.
5.     So the starfish began to roll over and over on the sand like a ______, a hoop, or a wheel that has no rim, and only spokes to it.
6.     When breakfast was over they were joined by the sisters; and Elizabeth began to like them herself, when she saw how much affection and _____ they showed for Jane.
7.     The waves of the ocean grew into the big _____, and they dashed up on the beach with a booming, thundering sound.
8.     How the drops did come _____ down, harder and harder, but Uncle Wiggily didn’t get wet because of his toadstool umbrella.
9.     The sun rose upon a tranquil world, and beamed down upon the peaceful village like a _____.
10.Russia was seeking a $ 10 billion loan to avert the collapse of the ruble and the banking system so much of the advice below could become _____.
11.If the ruble goes into a _____, it’ll make sense to revert to the old habit of exchanging hard currency on a daily basis, but don’t expect a devalued ruble to boost your spending power.
12.As two thirds of the products consumed in Russia are imported, prices are _____ to western levels and can only get higher.
13.The icy glaze that encrusted the metal rungs was _____.
14.He looked like a _____ polar bear in his frost-whitened suit.
15.For almost 500 years, the Mercator projection has been the norm for maps of the world, _____ in atlases and on school walls.
16.He glanced down at the _____ on the ground that was Jim.
17.To by stared out of the window of his room on the _____ of the space station, wondering what he should do.

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