Monday, May 18, 2020

Vocabulary Check

aggregate -compliant - formidable - rampion -skiff - wavery 

  1. His skin was like an oil slick over his bones, muscles and tendons; you could see them, _____ and distorted, beneath it.
  2. King of France, who was _____ still in spite of his recent reverses; and it was necessary, therefore, to have recourse to some profitable scheme, which was a matter of great difficulty in the impoverished condition of exhausted Italy.
  3. One day the woman saw a plant called _____which is used to make salads.
  4. Because they _____ capital from many investors, it is possible for a single one to invest in mutual funds with an amount as little as a few hundred dollars.
  5. The World Olympic committee has allowed ______, a type of a small boat used in competitive sport, to complete in their own class in the next Olympic games.
  6. Peter was a ______ worker, not like his coworker Simon, who stubbornly challenged his bosses at every opportunity.

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