Friday, April 14, 2017


  The following pronouns indicate sex or gender. Masculine: he, his, him. Feminine: she, her, hers. Neuter: it, its.
IN ORDER TO SECURE AGREEMENT IN GENDER IT IS NECESSARY TO KNOW THE GENDER OF THE NOUN, EXPRESSED OR UNDERSTOOD, TO WHICH THE PRONOUN REFERS. Gender of nouns is important only so far as it concerns the use of pronouns. Study carefully the following rules in regard to gender. These rules apply to the singular number only, since all plurals of whatever gender are referred to by  they, their, theirs, etc.
MASCULINE: referred to by HE, HIS, and HIM:
1. Nouns denoting males are always masculine.
2. Nouns denoting things remarkable for strength, power, sublimity, or size, when those things are regarded as if they were persons, are masculine. Ex:  WINTER, with HIS chilly army, destroyed them all.
3. Singular nouns denoting persons of both sexes are masculine. Ex: EVERY ONE brought HIS umbrella.
FEMININE: referred to by SHE, HER, or HERS:
1. Nouns denoting females are always feminine.
2. Nouns denoting objects remarkable for beauty, gentleness, and peace, when spoken of as if they were persons, are feminine. Ex: SLEEP healed him with HER fostering care.
NEUTER:  referred to by IT and ITS:
1. Nouns denoting objects without sex are neuter.
2. Nouns denoting objects whose sex is disregarded are neuter. Ex: IT is a pretty child, The WOLF is the most savage of ITS race.
3. Collective nouns referring to a group of individuals as a unit are neuter. Ex:The JURY gives its VERDICT, The COMMITTEE makes ITS report.
An animal named may be regarded as masculine, feminine, or neuter, according to the characteristics the writer fancies it to possess. Ex:The WOLF seeks HIS prey, The MOUSE nibbled HER way into the box, The BIRD seeks ITS nest.
Certain nouns may be applied to persons of either gender. They are then said to be of COMMON GENDER. There are no pronouns of common gender; hence those nouns are referred to as follows:
1. By masculine pronouns when known to denote males. Ex: MY CLASS-MATE (known to be Harry) is taking HIS examinations.
2. By feminine pronouns when known to denote females. Ex: EACH OF THE PUPILS of the Girls High School brought HER book.
3. By masculine pronouns when there is nothing in the connection of the thought to show the sex of the object. Ex: Let every PERSON bring his book.

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